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Learning Opportunities

Water from the Rock: Emotional Resilience and Sacred Action in the Face of Eco-Disruption, Injustice, and Insanity (online)

Co-sponsored by Jewish Climate Action - MA


When: Weekly, Sundays 7:00 - 8:30p.m. Eastern Time, starting Feb. 2nd.



Description: This is a three month online workshop and community, to help people develop a way to respond to environmental/climate disruption , values, and spiritual lives.   The course as a whole, and each meeting in miniature, will take us through a process of grounding and gratitude, moving into honoring our pain, exploring how to see the world with new eyes, and sacred action.

We will explore how to build lives of joy and resilience amidst climate disruption and the destructiveness of colonialism, racism, and anthropocentrism. We will discuss and develop tools for how to do this with compassion for ourselves, kinship with communities who are being impacted most destructively, and a healthy relationship other species around and inside of us. This will be a place for learning through sharing, deep ritual space, curiosity and courage.

We will draw from Joanna Macy's "Work That Reconnects", Judaism, Buddhism, Eco-Psychology, Deep Ecology, Indigenous wisdom from around the world, Anti-colonialism and Anti-racism, and our group intelligence as the learning unfolds. Each meeting will include some frontral learning, ritual, and discussion. A check-in with a chevruta/study-buddy from the class for (optional) deepening of the learning in between group meetings is encouraged.

General Weekly Outline:

I. Building Community and Foundation for Our Work
II. Grounding in a Shared Reality, a Brief History of Humanity’s relationship to the Living World
III. Three Stories of the Great Turning
IV. Understanding Climate Trauma, Finding ourselves in Grief
V. Paradigm Shifts
VI. Relationship between Grief and Praise, and its 5 Gates
VII. The Wholeness of a Broken Heart
VIII. Impediments and Levers for Action: Societal, Mythical and Psychological
IX. The Gifts of Animals and Other Ancestors
X. Harnessing the Potential of Our Imaginations
XI. Sacred Action
XII. Resourcing for Going Forth
XIII. Courage in the place of Hope

Finances: My hope is that our work together will be sustainable and regenerative to offer and join. I am therefore offering different ticket prices, to make this learning financially accessible for broad participation and absorbing the eventribe fees. Please reflect what price will help you engage in this work most fully while also paying most generously, before selecting a ticket-price. Email me directly for a skill-trade.

Questions: For questions, email Rabbi Moshe Givental at or call (248) 325-8597. To read more about this work, go to

Interfaith Power and Light Conference: Building a Collective Voice of Moral Leadership

Friday November 8th, 8:30 - 4:15p.m.

Workshop on "Grounding Our Work in Shared Joy, Grief, and Vision" - see details at here

Voices for Earth Justice

15894 Greydale St, Detroit, MI 48223

Nov. 22nd, 12p.m.

Lessons from a Pilgrimage to Honor the Earth

Loss and Transformation: Maintaining Hope when Optimism Is Elusive (Online)

6-part , bi-weekly, online class with Rabbi Katy Allen and Rabbi Moshe Givental

Via Zoom ,on Thursday evenings: 9/26, 10/10, 10/24/, 11/7, 11/21, 12/5, from 7:30-9.

Sponsored by Jewish Climate Action Network – MA


This interactive class is designed to awaken within participants new and deeper awareness of the tools at their disposal for coping emotionally, spiritually, and psychologically with climate disruption, rising levels of hatred, and other global concerns, as well as challenges in their personal lives. Participants will develop a new personal tool that can be used and adapted in the future for dealing with the stresses of the world.


The Loss and Transformation sessions will focus on the interconnections between personal and communal loss and between loss and transformation and the possibility of moving from chronic toxic stress or post-traumatic stress disorder to post-traumatic growth. Although not a grief workshop per se, there will, nevertheless, be opportunities to express and explore emotions around grief, as well as considerations of how grief can provide an opportunity for growth. Exercises will involve exploring and connecting four kinds of “sacred texts”: the texts of the Earth, the texts of our lives, the texts of our communities, and the texts of our tradition, as a way to find deeper connections to and among all of them. Personal exploration assignments to be done between sessions will provide opportunities for allowing memories and feelings to flow and will promote and honor creativity, personal expression, and individual journeys. Assignments to be done between session, which include guided observation explorations, meditations, journaling (with multi-disciplinary options), and responses to thought questions, will be given at each of the first five classes.

Participants should expect to invest 1-2 hours between sessions – the more time invested, the greater will be the impact of the class. A commitment to doing the assignments, actively participating in the discussions, and being present at all sessions is requested of all participants. Each session will last 90 minutes. Sessions will be held every two weeks. Class size is limited to 12. Cost: $120 to JCAN-MA. Scholarships are available if needed. To register, email Janet Green at Click here to donate (under Program, choose “Fiscal Sponsorship” and then write Jewish Climate Action Network – MA in the box). Contact Rabbi Katy with questions at

Pine Hill Congregational Church

Ecological Spirituality Series, Wednesdays 3:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Guest Teacher: Relationships with "Nature" in a MultiVocal Bible, Wednesday Oct. 30th

Geez Magazine: Climate Justice Issue Commemoration

Monday, October 28, 2019 at 5:30 PM – 8 PM

Geez 54: Climate Justice is grounded in the understanding that climate change is inextricably intertwined with systems of colonialism, exploitation, and genocide. If we are to truly move towards a (re)generative way of living, we know that a full transformation will be necessary.

6:00 – Workshop on Gratitude, Grief, and Vision Rabbi Moshe Givental will lead us in a mini Work That Reconnects workshop, helping us respond to crisis and change through connections with each other and the natural world

Geez magazine is a quarterly, non-profit, ad-free, print magazine about social justice, art, and activism for people at the fringes of faith in both Canada and the US.  Email Lucia with questions,

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