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On I-phones and I-dols

"Rabbi Hiyya said that Terah, the father of Abram (whom God later renamed Abraham) manufactured idols. One time, when Terah went away and...

The Forgotten Parts of Our Lives

In last week's Parshat VaYetze, Jacob flees the home of his parents after taking his older brother's blessing and fearing for his life....

The Torah of Reb Zusya

A classic story tells about the great Reb Zusha, who was found agitated and upset as he lay on deathbed. His students asked, "Rebbe, why...

Power, Potential, and Community

Last week's Torah Portion, Parshat Vayeira, is full of the most well-known stories in the Torah. Abraham and Sarah are visited by angels...

An Unusual Gift

*Many years ago I received a very unusual gift - a gift I did nothing to deserve. I never met the giver of this gift. It came...

On Apologies

As we come ever closer to Rosh HaShanah, the head/beginning of our New Year, a time ripe with hope, expectation, and connection, we are...

Life is a Mirror

My thoughts and prayers this week are with all the families and communities struggling with the consequences of Hurricane Harvey as well...

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